Bondage, Oral, Humilitaion, Spanking in the Two Star Hotel

When he got back to the room, the man shut the door and slipped on the
mask before he stepped around the corner and into the main room. Kelly
had heard him coming and was already panting slightly around the ball
gag as she tried to control her fear. The man came into the room where
she could see him and without a word started to unbutton his shirt.
After taking off his shirt, the man pulled out the knife that he had
threatened them with earlier and dropped it onto the bed between her
outstretched legs.
He smiled in his mask as her mouth, already stretched to its limits
around the gag tried to open even farther to scream. “Shhhh” he
said “Remember whis I said about what would happen if anyone finds
out your in here?” he said coldly. “I’m not going to kill you if
I don’t have to, but you have to understand,” he put the knife to
her throat and said “Just like I told your sister, I have everything
to loose, and so I own you now.” She looked at him hoping against
hope that she would not be killed.
Kelly watched as the man finished getting naked, and chastised herself
when she thought briefly “He looks strong” the man stood looking
at Kelly tied spread eagle on the bed, and absent mindedly started to
stroke his cock. After a couple of seconds he stopped and moved to
the bed. Placing the edge of the blade against her throat, he
whispered to her in a menacing voice, “If you are a good girl like
your sister was, and If you do everything that I say, I will let you
live. If you don’t do as I say I will cut your tits off and let you
bleed to death, and then I will go upstairs and find your sister and do
the same to her.”
Kelly’s heart hammered in her chest and he now had her full
Removing the blade from her throat, he started to talk to her,
“Theses are the rules, if you scream or draw attention to this room
your dead. If someone knocks on the door your dead. If you don’t do
as you are told you will suffer, then you will probably die, and you
will have caused the same thing to happen to your pretty little sister
upstairs.” He said looking her in the eye, ” Do you understand
Kelly looked at the man and nodded whimpering “Mmnnff hhnnff”
swallowing and trying to stay calm. Having made himself clear, the man
laid the point of the blade on her sternum and slid the point upward
until it slipped between her breasts and under her bra. With a quick
pull he cut through the bra and watched with some satisfaction as Kelly
cried out weakly around her gag,
Kelly was panting again as he looked at her like she was a prize cut of
meat for him to devour, and then her captor slid his knife hand between
her legs and traced the point of the blade up the inside of her thighs
and across her hips, the blade slipping under the leg of her panties.
With a yank, he cut them free on one side then repeated the process on
the other. Even though she knew what he was going to do to her, Kelly
couldn’t help but flinch as the man roughly sliced through the sides
of her panties leaving her open to him. Stepping away from the bed the
man went to the desk did something with the laptop before he cam back
holding a leather belt.
The man stood looking down at the lithe beauty secured to the bed and
slowly stroked his cock again a few times before saying “Your sister
was told to do something and she didn’t do it quick enough,
consequently she earned you both ten lashes.” Moving to the end of
the bed, he un bound her feet and then said “I suggest you learn from
her mistakes, because I will make you learn from your own.” Lifting
one of her feet, the man said “Roll over.”
Kelly immediately rolled over onto her stomach, and because her hands
were still bound, it left her face down on the bed, her hands crossed
and tied above her head and her legs spread wide. He could have shot
his wad right there, looking at Kelly in this classic pose of
domination. Moving up beside her, he lifted her head by her hair and
placed a pillow under her face saying “if you scream, no one had
better hear it or else.” The man turned up the TV a little to mask
the noise, and looked down at Kelly admiring her body, and thinking
that the two sisters were a lot alike and a lot different at the same
Kelly was definitely a couple of years older than Sandi, and her body
was really maturing from that firm well developed teen stage to the
curvy voluptuous young woman stage. Sliding his fingers lightly up the
back of her leg, the man asked “How old are you Kelly, 21?” Kelly
jolted at his touch, and mumbled “Mmmugh Unngh” around her gag.
“Twenty?” He guessed and continued to explore her body when she
said “Uungh Huungh” nodding her head.
When he reached her ass, the man slowly ran his palms back and forth
over the taut cheeks for a moment before squeezing the firm globes.
Taking her by surprise, he said well I guess we had best get it over
with, and gave her ass a very hard slap causing her to yelp. Then,
just as she thought he was not going to hit her again, she heard the
air whistle and knew the pelt was coming, but did not even have the
time to flinch or clench in preparation.
One after another the blows rained down on her, across her ass, then
the backs of her thighs, then the small of her back and the tops of her
butt cheeks, until she had counted ten. His cupped palm replaced the
belt for another five stinging blows as the man panted heavily with the
exertion, and Kelly screamed into the pillow around the gag.
When the blows suddenly stopped, the man pushed her hip hard flipping
her back over as Kelly wept into the gag. She thought that he was
about to hit her some more, when the man suddenly dropped the belt
across her thighs and climbed onto the bed. Fear drove Kelly to stop
crying while the man mounted her, and when he had, he straddled her
chest. His legs pressing her large young tits together, she saw that
beating her had excited the man terribly, his cock was turgid with
blood, sticking straight up and an angry red color. It’s tip drooled
precum as the man grasped the base and bent it toward her face.
Pumping his cock in his tight fist a couple of times, the man worked up
a dollop of precum at the tip and leaned forward as he asked Kelly
“Do you know why I gave you an extra five Kelly my dear slave?”
Kelly quickly said “Mmmugh Unngh” around her gag as the man started
to smear his precum back and forth across her lips, and cheaks, then
her chin and throat. “Because you are my slave and I can use you as
I want to Kelly dear.” He said smiling sadistically as he reached
behind her head,
“Not a single fucking sound” he said as he undid the gag and pulled
it out and dropped it onto the bed. Grasping her hair, he pulled her
head up causing her to gasp, “Remember, you do what your told when I
tell you,” and jerking her head back a little to make his point,
“and don’t get any funny ideas about biting, cause’ if you bite
me I will kill you if it’s the last thing I do.”
Without preamble the man pushed his cock into her mouth, and sawed in
and out of her face watching Kelly grimacing as he pulled her hair back
and forth. He lasted for about thirty seconds, and then loosed a thick
jet of cum into her mouth. Embarrassed that he had not lasted longer,
Kelly took an extra dose of abuse as he roughly pulled her head up by
the hair at the same time thrusting his hips forward to shove his cock
into her throat in an effort to stave off his feeling that he was
somehow inadequate after his premature ejaculation.
Unlike her sister, Kelly had not had any warning or time to prepare,
and gagged terribly choking on the mans stiff prong as he thrust into
her mouth. Unlike her sister, Kelly was more adventurous sexually, and
had learned to deapthroat her boyfriends, and had even come to like it
somewhat. After a flailing moment of panic, Kelly got herself under
control and fought back the vomitous bile that was trying to rise in
her throat, and started to swallow to keep it down. After a few
moments of this milking action, the man pulled out and moved down to
collapsed on top of Kelly, spent after another crushing orgasm.
Panting heavily as he lay atop her, the man said “My GOD slave your
even better than your sister I do believe”
Kelly was glad that the man was done, but wished he would get off her,
until her heart froze as, with a heaving breath and a great sigh, the
man said “How do you think you little sister at the front desk will
stack up?”